Key Stage 3
Key Stage 3 is for students typically aged between 11 to 14 years old. Students will be supported by specialist teachers in all of the different subjects, each with their own classroom. These individualised learning environments will help to support your child’s education by highlighting good practice and promoting key terms and concepts.
The school day begins at 9:00 am with registration in their homeroom class. This is taken by the class tutor who is responsible for their pastoral and social care. Between 9:15 am and 4:10 pm students will take part in five 70 minutes lessons throughout the school day, with a 20 minutes break after lesson 1, and a 35 minutes lunch after lesson 3.
The core subjects of English, Maths, and Science follow the Cambridge International Curriculum. Students are assessed at the end of years 7 and 8 through Progression Tests, before sitting the Secondary 1 Checkpoint Examinations in year 9. These are externally set and marked assessments and provide a sound indication of ability.
KS3 students also study a range of humanities, commerce, creative, and technical subjects which are based on the English National Curriculum and seek to develop a rounded education and a varied skill set. These subjects help to teach students about the world around them and equip them with the skills needed to learn and work in a modern society.
Subjects taught in Key Stage 3
Regardless of whether students are taught English either in First Language or Second Language groups, they will all learn vital literacy skills that will help them throughout their life. The programme encourages a life-long enthusiasm for reading, writing and spoken communication. Learners develop English skills for different purposes and audiences which will prepare them for the future.
In Mathematics, students develop systematic yet creative mathematical skills to generate elegant solutions. Students are encouraged to discuss with others, challenge ideas and actively seek to build connections between topics, namely Number, Algebra, Geometry and Measure and Data. This supports higher order thinking that assists students in viewing the world in a mathematical way.
At Key Stage 3 science is taught using the 5E Instructional Model, which takes students through a cyclic learning process through each topic; the 5 E’s being Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. This learning process develops mastery of each topic by allowing students to learn through inquiry and re-evaluate their understanding over a short period of time. Topics are structured so that students are able to build on previous knowledge and strengthen their understanding.
Bahasa Malaysia is taught as a language and is such not at mother tongue level. The focus is on the ability to use Bahasa Malaysia to communicate in everyday situations as well as to be able to read short texts and carry out basic writing tasks such as asking for detailed information or reporting.
Mandarin is taught as a streamed subject with groups being taught at first language, second language and foreign language levels.
At Key Stage 3, Geography is taught through a broad range of topics covering human geography, physical geography, and environmental geography. As students learn how the natural and human components of our world intersect and interact, they also develop a bedrock of knowledge to prepare them for engagement with their changing world.
At Key Stage 3 History is taught using critical thinking and research models. Topics include The Neolithic Revolution, British Empire, WW1, Russian Revolution and The Great Depression. These topics develop background knowledge of world events needed for progression into the IGCSE syllabus. Topics are structured so that students are able to build skills needed to become historians such as analysis, interpretation and research.
Students develop the computer skills that will help with many aspects of their future learning and development. They will understand their place, and the place of others, in an interconnected world and make educated decisions about the information that they encounter online. They will develop skills to create increasingly sophisticated documents and presentations and then use digital technology safely and protect their own physical and emotional wellbeing.
Here students will learn about the importance of accounting, and also the basic steps, terms, principles and techniques used. From basic accounting principles to bookkeeping skills, and methods the students will be familiarised with the basics of Accountancy and the profession.
This course teaches students how to create a business, how businesses start, what its founders need to consider, the most common difficulties they might face, and more. The students are exposed to all aspects of businesses and are provided with a firm foundation for IGCSE studies.
Design Technology subjects are taught in a collaborative model where students will develop skills in graphic design, ICT and food technology over the course of 3 academic terms. Students will be engaged in both coursework and theory classes with the goal of developing a working model for themselves at the end of the academic year.
Art gives learners a platform to express themselves, sparking imagination, creativity and developing transferable skills. Students explore and push boundaries to become reflective, critical and decisive thinkers. They learn how to articulate personal responses to their experiences. The course exposes students to a number of study areas, for example painting, print making, model making, needle craft or digital art.
Physical Education provides the students with a range of different sports to participate in each year. These sports are divided into 3 areas namely: outdoor sports, swimming and water games, as well as indoor sports.
Our highly successful Creative and Performing Arts programme encourages students to build confidence in their artistic abilities in a range of disciplines including Dance, Music, and Drama. In Dance, students will learn how to control their movements to move in time with each other. Students will learn to play a range of instruments in music, both in ensembles and solo performances. Drama lessons will teach students how to act with confidence and deliver speeches with clarity.
Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education (PSHE) education is delivered weekly to all students and covers topics which are necessary to ensure that students remain healthy, safe and prepared for life – and work. The main areas addressed are drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.